Holographic foil is awesome right? I know there are plenty of fans out there as I get asked about it whenever I post a test pic on Insta stories.
I'd been waiting for the perfect range (more like perfect idea) to use it and when I unearthed this hand drawn font of mine from art school I knew I was onto something.
I've had the originals all these years and knew I'd do something with them one day. Back in my Glasgow School of Art days I scribbled a whole font and used the photocopier to enlarge the numbers and letters but still kept the rawness of each one.
It's funny how the things I did then are what has become a business for me now. All these years later. I'm a great believer that we all have the true beginnings of our ideas in us yet over the years they get pushed back, often disappearing, and if we're lucky, resurfacing and deciding to go with our gut instinct.
I suppose then it was all down to confidence and self belief, of which I was really lacking in. And I'm sure you will have been through similar with the same thoughts and are now only realising that maybe you were on to something. And now you're taking the bull by the horns and damn well doing it the way you want to. (Not what those art school tutors told you to do. Or any person who put you off and guided you in another direction.)
Dreams. We all had them. We all suppressed them. Now we're living them. Or are we?
Anyway...the point to this story is I have finally used the scribbled numbers and had metal dies cast so I could print onto cards with the holographic foil. Yay! Art school days rule! The results being I've created a new birthday card range for kids.
Will I do big kids cards? Who knows...let's see how these go first but if you fancy one then just let me know.
Shop the kid's holographic birthday collection here.
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