Who are you/what do you do?Hello! I am Ross Alexander of Ross Alexander Photography. I’m a Wedding Photographer/Girl Dad/Ex-Rockstar wannabe and Professional Procrastinator based in Glasgow but fortunate enough to travel the country and beyond photographing joy and love at weddings in some gorgeous settings. Is there a story behind the name (if it's not your own?)It’s just my name. Fun fact: Alexander is actually my middle name. I know what you’re thinking, so creative and mysterious. How old is the business and how did you get started?I photographed my first wedding in July 2011 so...wow, 12 years now. For years I played in rock bands, gigging across the country and dreaming of being a rock star. I think at...
Introduce yourself and your store.Hiya, I’m Claire and I have a small but beautiful florist in Lewes, East Sussex selling unusual blooms and a selection of curated gifts. Is there a story behind the name?A story behind Bulb...mmmmm not really, I came up with it then, of course, many folk had an opinion or suggestion and I just remember talking to a random stranger and agreeing I should go with my gut. Now it’s marvellous when people say “Oh you're Bulb” haha How long have you been doing this?I’ve been a florist for about 15 years, then started Bulb 5 years ago. Best moment of store life so far?Best moments seem to happen all the time mostly when folk...
Claudia is the owner of Sew Much Fun in Alderney, a small island that's a stone's throw from Guernsey and the French coastline. I had never heard of it so when Claudia got in touch to place an order for wholesale I was intrigued.
Meet the new kid on the block. It's been a few years in the making and we are almost at the launch line. Hurrah! At last says me. I've talked about doing this for the past 3 or 4 or 5 years and never found the time to getting round to creating this little sidekick. Running my design studio, Caddie + Co. alongside Text From A Friend does take up quite a bit of time - so why not add another brand to look after! I must be mad but either way I'm chuffed to be doing it. My little 6yr old niece Skye wasn't content with just helping to pack the Text From A Friend orders so we had an...
Who are you/what do you do?I’m Lynn! Owner of Lynn Doodles. I’m an illustrative designer from Lanarkshire and I run a monthly enamel pin club. Is there a story behind the name (if it's not your own?)The story is a simple one. My name is Lynn, and I doodle! How old is the business and how did you get started?I have been freelancing for too many years to count but I started Lynn Doodles in 2019. It started out as an outlet to work on my own personal illustration style as for many years when freelancing and working for some fab companies I became a bit of a chameleon and this seemed like the best place to start to...